Finding Inspiration
One day, Meri and I decided to go window shopping at jewelry stores in the mall just for the fun of it. We would pick out our favorite piece in each display case and tell each other why we liked it and then move on. We even tried a few things on. It was a blast. One of the things I realized though was how our taste was so different. She liked more modern, sleek, original pieces and I liked more traditional ornate ones. To be honest, I think we both secretly disliked each other’s selections ha-ha! It didn’t matter though, we enjoyed our little date.
My Sisterwife’s Closet was originally my dream, but Meri was supportive from the very beginning and she and I worked well together. She really liked my dream of making sure our pieces were made in America, were hand-crafted and high quality. I continued to push to have Kody, Christine and Janelle work with us too, because I really wanted the experience of working on a big project together. They had been together for a long time bonding before I married Kody and joined the family and I was craving something that would help bond the five of us. I also saw the potential of having each of our different styles of us four sisterwives going into products and pieces. I really thought it would make the brand richer. I loved the idea of reaching so many women with our different perspectives.
It was definitely an adventure working together. We spent time bonding and rubbing off the rough spots in our relationships and learning about each other. As time went on we realized we had different interests and not everyone was as passionate about jewelry as I am. With so many children to provide for and to get through college; having multiple streams of income to support our big family is smart so some of my sisterwives and Kody decided to pursue other business ventures while I continued to work doing what I love.
But we all support each other’s business ventures, since our goal has always been to work together to take care of the family. Our business conversations are a lot of fun!
I still love the idea of reaching many different women with my designs, but again my style and tastes appeal to only so many so I have decided to work with the many wonderful women in my life to come up with a line of jewelry that accommodate other styles and tastes. The “Sara” necklace and earrings are the first of that line. I worked with my sister, Sara closely to come up with a design that she loves. It was a lot of fun. She really wanted a cluster button earring since she likes something smaller hanging on her ear and the matching necklace was a beautiful addition. I decided to name each piece after the woman I worked with to honor her a little bit. We as women need to honor each other in life more.

I am already working with other special ladies in my life to come up with different designs, so keep checking back and seeing what new designs have been released. You may find something that really touches you and helps you tell your story!
Comments on this post (11)
I wanted to make a small suggestion..I love the show and many pieces in your jewelry line.. I have a granddaughter that is 2 and is big into dresses and being a “pretty princess”…of course to me she is perfect!! anyway, she loved my charm bracelet and always says “take off” because she wants to wear it…how about a line for little girls….I would love to buy her a charm bracelet that would actually fit her little wrist.
— christine m geoghegan
Look forward to watching your family grow. My daughter and I catch each other up, if one of us miss your show.
It’s wonderful that your Jewerly Line and Closet is doing so well.
Congratulations to the young newlyweds! Now, a Grand Baby!
do you have a catalog or only on website?
I am one of those ladies who go to the Local Library to use their
Take care!
Barbara Ann
— Barbara Ann
Hi Robyn,
I am so happy that you have been able to pursue your dream of owning a shop where you can create custom jewelry and share your passion. I loved reading about how each piece is inspired by the woman who helped you create it. Can’t wait to see what this holds for you in the future. Much love to you and the rest of the family!
— Kathleen B
Hi, I love the Sara necklace. Do you ship to the UK? Thanks, Laura
— Laura
Dear Robyn,
I have looked through thus website a little bit and i am already in love with a lot of your products. You can believe me when i say that the second i have enough money, i am coming on here and buying something. I am already in love. I wish i could buy something now.
— Jackglenn Jordan
I absolutely love this piece. I sure hope to ve able to save enough to order. I just wanted to put a quick note to all of the Brown wives. I have watched your family show since day one. I love how you work together and overcome the problems that may come up in life. I wish I could be more like each one of you with your strength you bring to your family. I am struggling right now with health issues and I hope I can get thru it for my 2 kids. They are older and I dont want to worry them but sometimes I wish Inhad a sister or sisterwife to go to for advice. I lost my dad when I was 18 and I had no siblings. I married my husband 2days later at the nearest town court house without anyone knowing about it. My mom found out a wk later by accident when I left my band on my finger. She threatened him with a handgun and said she wasnt losing me too. I was never close to my mom growing up. She helped me over the years with my kids and she grew to love my husband as her own son. She had a stroke 12yrs ago and I took care of her after that for 10yrs. She passed away in May 2016…1day after Mothers Day and a few days before my sons birthday. It was one of the worst days in my life. So Im still trying to start living my life again. Its so hard. I dont want to be a burden on my kids and I know thats what it will be to them. Anyway i didnt mean to go on about the unfortunate things in my life. I just wanted you all to know what a pick me up it is to watch you. I promise one day i will order something from your line, i cant right now because Im not even getting thru a part time schedule without calling out. That doesnt make our marriage any closer because we were already living paycheck to paycheck so that puts extra stress on it. Thank you for putting this beautiful collection together and sharing your lives with millions of viewers. I wish you all many years of health and happiness. With my love Tina
— Tina Stuples Burnette from a small country town in the middle of nowhere in VA
Hi Robyn .. Hope things are going well with your jewellery sales . sorry I have not bought anything recently … funds have been in short supply .. so I have had to spend carefully!! It seems you are going to introduce some new jewellery, and I hope they are some that I like because I shall order one or two items!
Could I just add that we in England have just watched your ‘tell all’ programme and I found it so interesting …. your actual series starts here on 21 January .. it seems ages since we last ‘met up’ with you all .. all your children have grown up .. some are so grown up and they know their own minds now!
My partner and myself really love the Brown family ,, and can see nothing wrong with the way you live … you are an example to our countries divorcees ,,, there are couples who chose to divorce at the slightest of things ,, I realise you have had your fair share of problems ..but you all try and sort things out .. that is admirable of you all!!! Well I had better close this now .. I really hope you can make something of your jewellery business … you deserve some good luck … take care and may God be with you always Victoria xx
— Victoria Blanchard
I love looking at all the jewellery on here but I’m unable to buy as I live in the uk and you don’t do delivery to the uk
Best wishes and look forward to seeing new pieces that I wish I could have
— Siobhan Mckeown
I love you guys so much
— Jessica Rinehart
Can’t wait for the new season to start. Wishing you all the best!
— Kathryn
Dear Robyn,
I have not been in the shop page for awhile but I think it is great that you are trying to reach out to others this way. I am going to need to check it out again. I really miss seeing your family on TV, I enjoyed watching everyone sharing your lives with so many. I hope that everyone is doing great. I want to wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year in 2018. Thank you and God bless you all.
— Trisha Winfield